Founded by Scottish born artist and documentary photographer Grace Lambert-Phillips, during the unprecedented world events of 2020, The Lambert Phillips Foundation presents the art of storytelling through the visual artistic mediums of photography, film and words. Progressed projects such as 5/4 Portraits of Humanity, exploring human connection, and I See your Strength, celebrating the strong spirit in women, formed an enriching purpose for developing the foundation. The first official project, Stories of Isolation, was created and launched in March 2020; an anthropological, documentary photography project gathering and sharing the work of photojournalists from around the world, gaining an international audience and positioning, dedicated to launching and telling stories of humanity. Established in London and now based in Florence, The Lambert Phillips Foundation works in partnership with public and independent charities, institutions and companies, presently working on projects focussed on the preservation and documentation of the culture and traditions of Italy. In parallel to working on and building projects, focus this year goes to the development and opening of the artist's first private studio, darkroom and gallery at the Villa la Posta, an 18th century historical villa, in Monteriggioni, Tuscany. Current projects are, Reimagining the Grand Tour, a photographer's journey through Italy documenting the country as a 21st century traveller, Approaching Art a series of interviews giving voice to the topic of art within conversations between artists and Venice is a Sound, a celluloid record of a city in peril.This summer we will present our first curated presentation in Florence, in works entitled, 'Disclosure' - a body of work telling the story of a city quietly revealing its essence to a photographer, during the months of the pandemic.
Based in Florence, the foundation collaborates with various organizations to document Italian culture. This year, they are opening a studio and gallery in Tuscany. Current projects include "Reimagining the Grand Tour" and "Venice is a Sound."